Morrowind Game Of The Year Edition Cheats


We have 64 cheats and tips on Xbox. If you have any cheats or tips for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on: PC. You can also ask your question on our The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition Questions & Answers page. This page contains Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for X-BOX. This game has been made by Bethesda Softworks and published by Bethesda Softworks at Jun 06, 2002. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind was made in 'Role-Playing' genre and have 'teen' as SRB rating.

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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox cheats we have available for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

Better Bartering

Want gold fast? Okay, here's what you do. First you take a really expensive item, say an ebony claymore -worth 80, 000- and go to an armory. You persuade the person behind the counter to around 80 or 90 -100 if possible- then you sell it to them, You're probably thinking but I'll only get about a thousand for it because they don't have very much gold! Here's the good part; you trade the item for their maximum amount of money plus as much merchandise as possible, then rest for 24 hours and their gold will replenish. Sell their items back to them in increments equaling their maximum gold. Rest and repeat until you have sold all their items. I made 200, 000 gold this way!

Best Cheat Ever!

In the beginning of the game, (it doesn't need to be but it sure does help) at balmora, go to the temple and at the lower levels of the temple buy a fortify attribute spell and soul trap spell. Then go to the spellmaking lady on the other side of the lower level of the temple and go to her spellmaking option and make an attribute spell (i would suggest luck 20 points to start) and chose an attribute then set it on self for 2 seconds and also soul trap on target for 2 seconds, name it a number so it is easier to find if you have a lot of spells and then create the spell.Walk over to the corner and look at the floor, cast the spell. If you succeed at casting the spell your attribute will permanently stay high (this can be used with all attributes AND skills)

Azura's Star

Azura's star is a very powerful soulgem in deed,to get it you must do a mission for Azura herself(look on your Vardenfell map on south east you'llsee a statue that's her shrine). She will tellyou to go to an island on top of Dagon Fel, whenyou get there (you can use a flying spell or awaterwalking spell) you'll see a Golden Saintcalled Staada beside the cottage, kill him andget the ring he has (Sheogorath's Signet Ring)report back to Azura she will give you Azura'sStar.You now have a soulgem that won't getdestroyed when you use it now go out there andstart ballin'!!

Get The Umbra Sword

First go to BAl Urand then go by the Inanius EggMine then go forward and talk to Umbra he willstart talking and if you are good at a short orlong blade or throwing stuss or bows get on theclosest rock and start beating him up. After youkill him steal all of his armor and his sword,the Umbra sword.

Rare Items

If you are a collector of fine items (a.k.a.stuffwith names) I suggest reading Yagrum Bargum'sbook 'Tamriellic Lore'. The only copy is next toYagrum in the Corprusarium Bowles in TellFryr. The book doesnt have the locations of allthe items, but it gives you an idea of some greatstuff. I also suggest doing the daedricquests. Happy Hunting!

Raise Your Skills

This code doesnt require much skill Follow these steps:***Not tested:I was told you could also raise your strength andother atributes if you have a weapon in yourinventory that gives you str when you equip itwhen you do this.

Easy Money In Balmora

Go to the fine alchemists house (whatever her name is), Go to her shop and buy the potion making equipment then buy ten trama root and ten racer plumes then barter with her again. She'll have ten more, so you buy ten of each again. I'd do this about ten times. Now you start making potions then you sell them to her.

Good Start In Morrowind

First, make your created chracter how ever you please (for the next part you should have short blade skill as major) when you go through to the old guy give all the info and cont. On then go to the backroom and take EVERYTHING you can grab same for the main room (when you find the lockpick use it on the chest to get 31 gold) then go outside and search both urns in 1 there should be an engraved ring of healing when you go outside there is an elf named fargoth pick the subject ring and give him the ring after this you will recieve gold and he will fully like you and the tradehouse guy arille will like you as well go to jis shop and sell everything except the package to Cauis (it is VERY important) then if you have enough gold and one of the skills buy a weapon and armor after that head up the trail not towards the stilt strider then you will find a book on the ground and a guy will scream and land on the ground then die take his stuff and dispose of corpse go back and sell some stuff (dont use the icarin scrolls of flight) then either travel or pay a guy to go to balmora when you get there go across the bridge then up both sets of stairs and go to the house straight in front of you deliver the package then find ra' virr's shop kill him (if you need to use health cheat) then pick up all his stuff and sell at meldors armor shop do the blades quests and the travel to caldera go to ghorak manor and find creeper then sell the fiend tanto for 3000 gold (youll be rich-ish) after that join some factions and you'll make a great profit.

How To Get Good Starting Gold

When you just leave the building at the begining of the game go pick the mushrooms that you need for one of Ajira's quest at Balmora mage guild then once you get done with Seyda neen and hed to the mages guild in balmora sign up for the guild and go talk to ajira and complete the mushroom quest then do her next quest which is to put the fake soulgem in Gabriels desk after gabriel gos downstairs grab all the gems sitting on her desk and the limeware thing and complete the quest (put the fake soulgem in the desk) then go to caldera and go to the mansion with creeper and sell the gems to him and any other things you have that you want to sell (he doesnt buy ingrediants) and at the end of selling your stuff you will have at least 14k-17k in gold (creep buys stuff at full price remember that) the only gem you can't sell is the grand soulgem with the winged twilight in it (to sell the greater gem just buy 1k worth of things from him when you sell the gem then sell back the 1k of things).

Easy Knight Templar Armour

First when you start out make your name Umbra and choose your race as nord, continue on with game like normally when talk to the guy that takes you papers go back to the old guy and attack him make sure you are skilled in short and long blade, lead him outside of the room and close the door, then kill him take his short blade then attack the guard guy then press white button keep attacking until it says You can't rest here enemy are near by when you press white button then go to the guy that took you papers he will attack you use the health cheat, kill him, drop everything you have, go to guard guy and talk he will say you can't do that here go back and get your stuff and take the dead guys armor and you have Templar Armour enjoy.

More Gold For Weapons & Armor

If you have the Tribunal expansion and have traveled to Mournhold you have probably seen that the armory in the great Bazaar has 10, 000 gold. Use the better bartering method -her gold replenishes, too! - I posted and you can get almost-full to full price for ANY weapon or armor. I made 45,000 gold off of one sword!

Awsome Armor And Weapons

Go to Peligiad go past the castle and follow a path to a small farm there is a path leading from it going to the dren plantaion you can kill everyone in the farm if you are ready but check inside each house ( in some of the houses the are members of the theives guild, so just a heads up)there will be some houses that have draedric weapons and armor, orchish armor, and ebony armor. Plus the is over 10000g in one house.

Telvanni Valut Raid

This can only be done by a awesome sneaker. First go to Vivic and find the Telvanni Compound. Next go to the Telvanni plaza and go into the tower. After that go to the vaults and venture in till you find two doors, the one on the left has two storm atchronachs while the door on the right has the vault and two ordinators. Go to the door on the right and lock yourself into sneak mode and bring out a lock pick. Wait for the ordinators outside the door to leave and you are unoticeable. Then try and pick the lock if you get it, disarm the trip and enter. You will magically go into the other room. Kill both atchronachs and then pick the door lock. Arter picking the lock you will then go into the door on the right. Take as much stuff as possible without being seen. If you are seen drop all and pay up.

Keeping Shield Armor Bonus With 2-handed Weapon

To keep a shield armor bonus, just equip anyshield, then equip a 2-handed weapon so you'vegot the armor rating of the shield and you've gota strong, all-purpose claymore or war axe at thesame time. It's good all the time, with anyshield and any 2-handed weapon!

Spell Casters

The three most useful spells I believe anyone can have are jump, open and chameleon. I have all three of these spells at magnitude 100, but I have a low chance of casting my chameleon 100% 18 seconds (VERY useful for main quests and theives) so I often fail to cast as the effect wears off. To compensate for this, my alchemy skill is at 100 and I have a full grandmasters set of equipment (master trainer and grand equipment is at Valenvaryon) and I then go tothe Altmer in the Ald'Ruhn mages guild and buy100 Bloat (it regenerates every time you buyit). I then buy Ash Yams (or Netch Leather) fromthe Khajit healer in the Foriegn QuarterCanalworks. These make fortify intelligence,make one, take one, make another, take another.This makes each one stronger than the last andyou can easily get your intelligence to 30,000.Now get some Guar Hide, Corprus Weepings orCorkbulb Root and make fortify luck and anyother potions you want. With your fortify luckover 1500 and lsts 10 minutes, the chance of asuccessful cast is pretty much 100%! Please notethe effect wears off if you sleep.

Lords Mail (Ultimate Armor)

In ebonheart's council room there is an imperialplace. In the Downstairs of the imperial placethere are locked doors. In one of the doorsthere is an alter like thing with imperial armor.(not the entire set)In that room there is adoor, but you cant see it. It looks like a wall.Just walk around the room looking at the walland when you reach the right spot it will saylock lvl 100, i think. It might be 90, but thelock is high so get a good spell or the skeletonkey or high security. behind the door is avisible door that leads into a cave. In the caveis a crazed man. Talk to him. He will attack youand he i wearing lords mail. Dont join theimperials or if you belong quit, because if youbeat there missions they will take it from you.

Exploiting Those Boots

If you are not a Kha-jit or an Argonian, you canwear the boots of Blinding Speed. These blindyou 100% but fortify speed 200 pts, and can beobained by escorting a trader east(?) ofCaldera. Im not here to tell you how to getthem, look below in the hints page. However ifyou go to Tel Fyr with the ability to unlock100pts (spell, scroll or pick)and levitate, youcan obtain a light cuirass with massive armoureven at low levels that resists magic 60%. Bywearing your Boots of Blinding Speed and thecuirass, you have all the advantages and only40% blindness.

Pilgrimage For Vivec

The temple guild's first mission is to completethe seven graces. One of the pilgramage sites isin the temple of Vivec. First go to Vivec. After,along the side of the big stairs, there will besome grates with water coming out. Go to the topthen look at the grate it will look like a door.Go to the third level grate and oren it. Onceinside look to the middle. There should be atunnle. Go in there should be another gratelabled 'loose grate to center'. Once inside drownyourself and go to the plateau in the center. Goalong the bridge and climb the stairs. You willsee a daedra. He will ask for a silver longswordgive it to him. Talk to the shrine beside him youwill be blessed with water breathing plus swiftswim and you pilgrimage will be conplete.

Free Daedric Armour

Here's a great way to get daedric armour. Go tosome daedric shrines and find some daedra. Itlooks it looks like there wearing it already butwhen you kill them you can't pick it up. If youpress A before they turn into ash you can take it.

Free 300 Gold With Ring Of Healing

In the beginning town, Seyda Neen, after takingthe ring of healing from the barrel, talk to aWood Elf named Fargoth. It's his ring, give it tohim and you have a new friend. Later, go toArille's Tradehouse. Go upstairs and talk thatfisrt guy up the stairs. Next, tell him thatyou'll get the gold back for him. Go to the topof the lighthouse and watch for Fargoth(he willbe carrying a torch near the lighthouse). He willgo to the hiding place and stash 300 gold and hisring of healing along with a Journyman'slockpick. Go to the little samp where he was andtake it all. If you want, you can return 200 goldto that guy and make another friend or keep itall to yourself.

Get Lots Of Money Really Easily

This hint can work at any point in the game. OK,You know how there are lots of crates andbarrels around? Check them, there are usually alot of stuff in there. Then, go to the traderand sell the stuff you don't want. {Sometimesyou can find rare items and weapons. I found aSilver Flameslayer in Belvora!}

Free Strong Weapons

If you have a summon Dremora spell or summongolden saint spell you can get glass ebonydwemer weapons if you summon the creature thenkill it if its name seen then quickly press Aand if you did it right then the body'sinventory and the weapon should be in it.

Get To Dagoth Ur

Go to Vivec, Temple. On the top there will be a lady, who sells potions. There will be a potion called Bargain Rising Force Potion. But a lot of them, because there 5gp. If you buy enough, you can fly there, slow but it's worth it. You aren't supposed to get passed Ghostgate, but I levvitated over it!


When you leave the first town you may hear somescreaming. Look up when you hear it. There issome guy in green clothes falling!!! You cantake his clothes and choose to leave or dump hiscorpse somewhere. It is really cool.

Tons Of Gold!

Ok if you want lots of gold all you have to do is sell your gold to a shopkeeper and then when he has al your money, kill him. He will drop all of your money including his/hers money as well. You can do this to any shopkeeper, and it's fun to do.

Increase Sneak Skill Easily

First be sure to have some fortify luck potions.The Imperial Shrine 1 floor down from the MagesGuild in Sadrith Mora sells both ingredientsneeded to make them, in infinite amounts. You'llneed them when you are ready to do this, so youare CERTAIN your sneak will work. You will wantto to be able to increase your luck by about 500points, so you can be certain your sneak willwork.Next, find an NPC that does not move, and thatyou can get behind an object near to becompletely out of their line of sight (Eydis Fire-eyes in Balmora Fighters Guild is perfect - I'lluse her as an example). Get Eydis to greet youand then jump on the table in the corner so sheis facing away from the column at the top of thestairs. After she stops following you indirection, go around behind her and behind thecolumn. Turn on sneak so it stays on, and thenjust leave it (great for leaving it on whenwatching TV or going to bed). It's best to dothis with a LOW level in sneak to begin with.When you come back, you'll notice that your sneakskill has NOT increased. However, now is when youfortify luck over 500 and come out from behindthe column. Stay sneaking, and against the backwall as far from her as you can. When you cancompletely see her body, you'll know you are farenough. Just stop and sit still a moment. Yoursneak skill will rapidly go up, and depending onhow long you waited, the higher it goes.The reason it's better to start with a low levelof sneak is because it increases faster then.While you are hiding behind the column sneaking,a counter IS actually adding to your sneak. Butpoints are not added to the SKILL itself untilthe game must perform a check as to whetheranyone can see you sneaking or not. The luckpotions ensure your chances of being seen aresuper slim, so when the game is checking if Eydiscan see you (she can't) it adds the points it'sbeen counting to your skill. ALL of them.

My House!

Need a house? Do what I did go and pickyour self a nice house, hut, or wat ever youwant to live in, and murder the owner andevery body in it, and the place is yours! Youmay place stuff on shelfs(to lower your weight)or go to sleep(heal) and have a place toescape in case of emergency, you no longerhave to go to the miles out of town to rest. Mysuggestion is, The out fitters house inBalmora, big and its convinently placed next tothe Fighters guild and the Mages guild, butyou may do as you wish! Have fun!(Dont pick aplace that guards reside in as after you killthem they will reapear a few days later, alsoafter you run out of places to put your stolenstuff an overflow loot bag will appear wich canhold upto or over 5000 lbs).

Easy Three Hundred Or One Hundred If You Want.

In the begging of the game go to the watchtower and go to the top after yo go to the top wait till dark. (sleep if you want) After awhile a person will go towards the lighthouse your on turn around go to the tree then in the swamp. After he goes out of the little swamp go down there the'll be three hundred gold there. A man in the trade house will talk about a man named fargo and how he's hidding money, if you want you tell him you found his hidding place and he'll take two hundred of the three hundred and he doesent give you anything for finding it.(I would just keep the three hundred and not talk to the guy at the top of the stairs.)

Easy Money And Alchemy Points

For this, you on;t need about Two Thousand Gold.Go to Caldera via Mges Guild. Go downstairs.Listen to the guy there, he should tlk aboutplates and stuff. Open the tower and go to thetop. Take all the Master Equipment. Then, go toSadrith Mora using the Mages Guild and talk TheAtlmer next to the Guild Guide. He should sellraw materials in bulk. Buy 10 Racer Plumes andTrama Roots, and repeat 10 times until you have100 of each. (Use these materials, not other onesbecause 1. Bulk costs less 2. He will never runout if you buy, click Barter and buy again and 3.You will need these potions.) Start MakingLevitation Potions. Your Alchemy skill shouldincrease 3 or 4 points for every 100 potions. Goback to Caldera. Go to Ghorak Manor, and findCreeper, the talking Scamp. Sell the potions butkeep a few. At first, they will be inexpensive,and the bulk materials costly, but after yourAlchemy skill increases a little, you r potionswill more than make up for the cost of the bulkmaterials. You can do this as many times asdesired, but keep in mind that in Creeper runsout of money, don't panic. Turn off Autosave whenRest and rest for 24 hours for him to have moremoney. Also, do not use the Talking MudcrabMerchant, as it will take too much time; Creeperand the Altmer with the Raw Materials are bothnext to Mages Guilds.

2 Great Houses For The Price Of One!

In the begining of the game, after doing a fewBlades quests, immmediatly head to Ald'Ruhn. Goto Under-Skar, or the huge building at the North-East part of town. go straight to the RedoranCouncil Hall, and talk to Neminda. Join HouseRedoran. Now, Continue with the Blades Quests,Become the Hortator of the Great Houses andNerevarine of the Ashlander Tribes. After meetingwith Vivec, fight Dagoth Odros at Odrosal and getthe Keening. Fight Dagoth Vemyn at Vemynal. Nowgo destroy Dagoth Ur. After the last FMV sequencewith Azura, immediatly heal to Ebonhart. Talk toDuke Vedam Dren. Talk to him about HlaaluHortator, and he will say you shouldn't havekilled him, but you know you didn't kill him. Nowgo to the stats menu and look ate factions, Youwill have Great House Redoran and Great HouseHlaalu. Now you have more missions and can havetwo Strongholds. There also has to be a way tojoin House Telvanni and have alll of the GreatHouses and Strongholds.

400 Gold Easy

IN the fishing village Hla Oad, under the threelegged place (or like a tavern) there is a slaveand her owner. If you talk to the owner, he willsay he has to deliver the slave to someone inbalmora. take her to balmora, and get her tosomeone named Volar something. his house is nextto Caius Cladius. you will have to pick the lockto his house, but you won't get in trouble forit. talke to him and he will give you 400 goldand the medusa ring

Telvanni Vault

Go to the telvanni canton in vivec, head up tothe plaza and find the telvanni treasury. Onceinside go downward until you come upon a door forthe telvanni vault, go through door and go to thedoor on your left, two storm atranochs await youon the other side, slay them then take whateveris in the two chests(varies), then go backthrough the door you came and you will be insidea room full of good stuff, the two guards willget stuck, stay in sneak mode and you should beable to pilfer the whole room. Once done eitherrecall, intervention, or you can walk out thesame door you entered and you will reappear inthe vault room(the room BEFORE you fought the twoatranochs. I have done this on two separatecharacters and has worked both times, have onlygone through the left side door first, do notknow what will happen if you choose to go to theright side door first. Anyway a lot of free swagfrom this run.

Money For Cheap

First go to the Redoran part of Vivic. Once youare there go the the plaza at the top. In theplaza there is a Treasury and someones manor gointo the manor. Search the manor there should bea person standing next to a chest of drawers.Check the drawers but don't take anything. Onceyou check the drawers and they have the key saveit. The key is called the Redoran vault key.After you find it jump on top of the chest. Ontop of the chest jump again at the peak of thejump click on the chest of drawers you should beable to take the key without getting caught. Ifyou get caught load the game. After you get thekey without getting caught go to the treasury. Inthe treasury go right there are stairs downleading to a door. The door is the Redoran Vault.Go in the vault and go all the way down.There isa guy in red with a cage door in the room. Clickon the door if you have the key it should open.If there is a Ordinort in the cage door point atthe cage door and wait after you wait if there isno one in the way or in the cage room shut thedoor and drop every thing you have than takeevery thing. After you take every thing go to theA armerer repair every thing. Then Go to the MUDCRAB MERCHANT sell him somthing for 10000.(don'tworry you'll get it back) Wait 24 hours Buy itback a sell somthings to equal 10000 sold. Keeprepeating that untill you have your disiredamount of money. Drop every item you want to sellto him unless you hant to use it. Lastly Make amark in front of him and whenever you need moneyuse recall.

Full Processus Vitellius

First of all, you've probably have noticed taxcollector Processus Vitellius is missing. Withthat in mind, go across the bridge in Seyda Neen(to the west of the lighthouse) across the waterto another spot and search until you find acorpse. The corpse of Processus Vitellius. Headback to Seyda Neen and talk to Socucious Ergalla.Tell him about Vitellius. He'll ask you to findVitellius's murderer. Who you should go talk to,to find the murderer, is Vitellius's girlfriend,Thavere, in the lighthouse. She'll tell you thatthe only time Vitellius got angry was in anargument with Foryn Gilnith, and she also asksyou to return Vitellius's ring to her if you findit. Go to his shack and before you talk to him,read Vitellius's tax record. Now go in and seeForyn Gilnith. Take a look around at his shack.Does this look like he should have to pay thatmuch? Well, talk to him and he'll confess toVitellius's murder. Now, the question is: do youbelieve him? Or are you going to punish him. Ipunished him. If you do the same, take all hisstuff, return the key to Thavere, and go back toErgalla for a reward of 500 gold!

Increase Weapon Skills

To increase any one of your weapon skills, bind that type of weapon and hold X +L +R at the same time. The game will make a switching sound, but it will notactually switch.

Increase Mercantile Skill

To increase Mercantile, buy something cheap (10 to 20 gp) and always go down onthe price slightly. Then, sell it back for a little more than they desire.

Increase Magicka Skill

To increase various Magicka skills (Alteration, Destruction, etc.), go to one ofthe Mages Guilds and look for a person that has the option of Spellmaking. Forexample, if you want to increase Destruction, go to a spell that is under theDestruction school, such as Fire Bite. Put the spell Firebite under Effects andset all of the things such as duration and magnitude to 1. Go around casting thespell at objects (not at people). Every time you cast it, it will go up about3/100 points.

Increase Block Skill

To increase Block, hold Chop while using a shield and get hit by enemies.

Increase Athletics Skill

To increase Athletics, run (not walk) around until your fatigue bar hits 0. Then,wait for your fatigue bar to raise to full and repeat.

Increase Armor Skill

To increase Armor, find some enemies that do not do much damage and get hit bythem. The Slaughterfish is a good choice.

Scamp = 5,000

In Caldera in the house of Orcs there is a scampcalled Creepers. He will bartar and has 5,000GP. He has one of the highest amounts of money.

Mud Crab = 10,000GP

Look on your Vvardenfell map. Find Mzahnch inthe south to the right of Vivec and above BalFell. The last 'h' in the name lays on anisland. Go to that island and you shall see amud crab. DO NOT KILL THE MUD CRAB. Talk to himand Bartar. He has 10,000 GP and will buy thingsat FULL price. He will only buy Armor andWeapons, but you can sell stuff for more than itsworth and then buy it back for less.

Ring Of First Barrier

Go to Suran and walk across the bridge to theeast. Follow the road until you find a group ofslaves. Talk to all of them until you find aKhajitt that looks out of place but says he is aslave. Let him follow you to the Redoran alongthe path farther east. You should see a fork andin between the two paths is a small farm. Talkto the man outside and you will have the choiceof letting the Khajitt kill the man or you standin the way. Interfere and kill the Khajitt theman will say that the Khajitt was a bounty hunterand he gives you the Ring of First Barrier.

Cheats For Morrowind Xbox One

A Few Helpful Items

Blinding Boots of Speed: Go to Caldera walkalong the road northward until you find a man inonly his underwear. He should talk aboutCloudcleaver. Tell him he can follow you todestroy a witch. Find the witch by going on thepath as far north and west as possible (sheshould be in a purple robe). Finsih up thatquest and choose what you like. Follow the pathback south until you reach a fork. Go on theroad you haven't taken North - Eastern and youshall find Permime let her follow you to GnaarMok and you get the Blinding Boots of Speed.

For The Sake Of Love?

Morrowind game of the year edition cheats xbox 360

When you go to Pelagiad, start taking the routeto Balmora. Eventually, you'll find a very well-dressed woman standing at the side of the road.Talk to her. She'll tell you about a bandit.She'll say she was robbed. She'll also say thatthe bandit talked to her for hours. She'll askyou to find him. He's in Pelagiad, in thetavern...I think the tavern is the secondbuilding on the left, going into Pelagiad. (notfrom the back road.) Talk to the bandit (the ladywill tell you his name.) He'll give you a note totake back to the lady. Do so. I don't rememberwhether she gives you anything. (I don't thinkshe does, but you've done a good thing...rememberthat...)

Free Stuff

West (i think) of the lighthouse in seyda neen, just past fargoth's house, thers a small bridge, cross it and follow its path until you find a book lying on the ground. Wait for about 20 seconds and then you will hear a scream and see a guy falling out of the sky, when he hits the ground you can take his stuff (expensive robe/fur helm/scrolls of icarion flight/silver sparksword/...)and then,keep following the patharound for a bit antil you fight 2 or 3 small creatures on the ground,then proceed on a little and you will find a dead tax collector, he has 100 drakes, and a tax record,you can take these as well.

Easy G's And Awesome Enchantments!!!

So you're ready to enchant some of youritems...You decide to go out and soultrap anenemy, let's say a rat. The only problem with arat is that it doesn't have very much charge,and that it's not worth anything.So are those the only problems with rat'ssouls??? Nope. In fact, every soul has thisproblem...except for two. The Golden Saint andthe Ascended Sleeper souls have an option whenenchanting items to have a 'constant effect'.That's right, always on.So what you need to do is simple. You firstneed to find some Grand Soul Gems, one greatplace to look is Yasamasi just south of HlaOad. You'll have to kill some guys, but hey,you're a baller after all, right? If you're notthen don't even try this, because you have tobe. Not necessarily a baller, but you have tobe good enough to take down a Golden Saint.So anyway, after you kill all the guys inYasamasi (forgive me if it's spelled wrong),look in the crates and barrels everywhere,you'll find like four of the Grand Soul Gems.So, now you have to find a Golden Saint orAscended Sleeper. Here's the good part. Gosomewhere, particularly in a mages' guild andeither buy a Summon Golden Saint Scroll, or aspell for Summon Golden Saint. Also, you'llneed a soultrap spell or scroll.Make sure you go outside of the city to dothis. I repeat: MAKE SURE YOU ARE OUT OF THECITY WHEN DOING THIS!!! If you're not, you'relikely to be attacked by a guard...which is notcool (though if you're a baller it doesn'tmatter, but you still have to put up with payingoff fines...).Summon the Golden Saint, then soultrap him andkill him. Easy as that. Now you have a soulgem worth 80 G's and an awesome enchantment soulgem.But you're thinking to yourself right about now,there aren't that many grand soul gems inmorrowind, and this is cool to an extent.Wrong. Go out and buy a regular soul gem, catcha rat, or something that has more charge. Thenwhen enchanting your item, first choose thegrand soul gem with the Golden Saint or AscendedSleeper. Make sure you turn on 'constanteffect'. Then change soul gems to the rat orwhatever, and constant effect will still be on!!!Have fun with this, make money, enchant someawesome stuff. It's not that hard, and it suredoes pay off...a lot!

More Gold

Go to Caldera, in Ghorak Manor, and go upstairs.You will find a guy named Scamp and has the mostgold in the game, 5000 gp. If you have more thanone valuable thing, go out the door and rest,then go back in, he will have 5000 gold again.

Restore Health

Go to your inventory screenshowing stats. Highlight Health and press black,white, black, black, black, hold A until healthrises to full.

Refill Health

While playing, press B then go to the status screen and highlight Health. Then press Black, White, Black, Black, Black then hold A to refill health.

Invincibility & Time Saving Technique

Do the 'Restore health, magicka or fatigue' codes listed below, but before yourmeter completely fills up press and hold the the B button. The meter willcontinue to rise while you play the actual game, saving time. You are invincibleuntil such time as you go back into your Inventory screen.

Refill Fatigue

While playing, press B then go to the status screen and highlight Fatigue. Then press Black, Black, White, White, Black then hold A to refill Fatigue.

Refill Magic

While playing, press B then go to the status screen and highlight Magic. Then press Black, White, White, Black, White then hold A to refill Magic.

Restore Fatigue And Magicka

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We have no glitches for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Morrowind Game Of The Year

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