Game Shark Cheat Code

This page contains CodeBreaker/Gameshark cheat codes for The Legend of Dragoon, a game for Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker/Gameshark device to use the. This page contains CodeBreaker/Gameshark cheat codes for The Legend of Dragoon, a game for Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker/Gameshark device to use the.

Before copying Pokemon Unbound Cheat Codes, we will give you the instructions to use them:


Enter cheat code 82003884 and add the TM/HM number next. For example, if I want to have CUT which is HM01, you would need to enter 820. Where to get the item: Once the cheat has been activated you need to head over to Mart and buy the first item in the list. Cheat Code: Master codes (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay) 3AF85ACA C4D18CEC 8E883EFF 92E9660D. Instant 999,999 Money (Cheat type: Code Breaker) 820257BC 423F 820257BE 000F. Instant 999,999 Money Alternative (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay) 29C2194. PlayStation (GameShark) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K.

Please sure that your GBA Emulator supports to enter Gameshark Codes. If not, please use VBA.
Choose File > Open and load your Pokemon Unbound ROM
Save your game in VBA: File > Save
Do you see “Cheats” menu? Then choose Cheat List…
Click Gameshark and enter your codes. Please sure you know the uses of any codes you enter.
Some codes need “Real Time Clock” to work. To active it in VBA, Options > Emulators > Check “Real Time Clock”
Enjoy them.

Master Code
all code will not work without master code
000014D1 000A 10044EC8 0007

WalkThrough walls
509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4

Unlimited Item
Access to your PC and Withdraw
82025840 0001: Cheats Master Ball
82025840 0044: Cheats Race Candy
82025840 0013: Cheats Full Restore
82025840 0019: Cheats Max Revive


Pokemon Fire Red Mastercode:

000014D1 000A
10044EC8 0007

This is a speial code that must be activate when using many of the CodeBreaker
codes for Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green.

83005000 61A1
83005002 0A35

The Instructions to use this code are as follows:

1) Activate the RNG code along with any other code that requires its use.

2) Load your saved game. I recommend you skip the ‘Recent Events’ section

3) Look at your Trainer Card (first screen only). THEN PRESS B TO RETURN!
When back on the Main Menu, press B again to close it. If you press the A
button to return to the Main Menu, YOUR GAME MAY CRASH!!! Always use B to
return to the Main Menu.

NOTE: If you skip this step the codes won’t work.

Gameshark Cheat Codes For Pokemon Fire Red

4) Press the button combination for the code you want to use.

5) Check it has worked, then SAVE your game and RESET!


WARNING: This code messes with the RNG in the game. Your game will act very
weirdly while codes requiring the RNG Kill codes are active. Don’t play, just
use the codes you want to use, Save, then restart without the codes active.

Finally, here they are, some acctual cheats!

Please Note: These codes require the use of the RNG code.

Infinate Money: (Button Combination B + START)

74000130 03F5
820257BC 423F
74000130 03F5
820257BE 000F

Steal others Pokémon :L+R
4D83B1BF E0F5F507
8E883EFF 92E9660D
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
90B4977C C0151DC2

Item Codes
Item Modifier Slot ? (First Sub Screen) 101XXYYC6
B button modifier 01??88C6
A button modifier 01??89C6
First slot modifier 01??8AC6
Second slot modifier 01??8BC6
Third slot modifier 01??8CC6
Fourth slot modifier 01??8DC6
Fifth slot modifier 01??8EC6
Sixth slot modifier 01??8FC6
Seventh slot modifier 01??90C6
Eighth slot modifier 01??91C6
Ninth slot modifier 01??92C6
Tenth slot modifier 01??93C6
Eleventh slot modifier 01??94C6
Twelth slot modifier 01??95C6
Thirteenth slot modifier 01??96C6
Fourteenth slot modifier 01??97C6
Fifteenth slot modifier 01??98C6
Sixteenth slot modifier 01??99C6
Infinite Health (3 hearts) 010CAAC6
Infinite Hearts (Max) 0140AAC6
Max Hearts 0140ABC6
Pieces of Heart 010XACC6
Rupees Modifier 201XXADC6
Shield Modifier 391??AFC6
Infinite Bombs 0132B0C6
Infinite Bombchu 9150B3C6
Sword Modifier 491??B2C6
Flute Modifier 591??B5C6
Switch Hook Modifier 601??B6C6
Harp of Ages Modifier 791??B7C6
Power Glove Modifier 801??B8C6
Infinite Ember Seeds 0132B9C6
Infinite Scent Seeds 0132BAC6
Infinite Pegasus Seeds 0132BBC6
Infinite Gale Seeds 0132BCC6
Infinite Mystery Seeds 0132BDC6
Have All Essences of Ages 01FFBFC6
Have All Secondary Items 01FF9AC6
Second Subscreen Codes
Infinite Red Potion 01FF9FC6
Poe Clock 90102A2C6
Graveyard Key 0104A2C6
Crown Key 0108A2C
Zora's Flippers 0102A3C6
Mermaid Suit 0104A3C6
Fairy Powder 0102A4C6
Chevals Rope 0104A4C6
Members Card 0108A4C6
Intro Goron Letter 0102A5C6
Lave Juice 0104A5C
Brothers Emblem 0108A5C6
Walk Thru Walls 10010033D0
Have effect of wearing any ring 1191??CBC6
Always have full bloom Gasha tree by leaving screen and coming back 1201FF4BC6
Location Modifier 1301??2FCC
Link Movement Glitch 1401??04D0
Always have floor covering lava pits 01FFABCC
Prize Modifier in Contests 15010XDCCF
Number of times Contest is won modifier 01??DDCF
Always win Contests 16010CDECF
Score Modifier for Shooting Galleries 1791??A8CB
Mess up unlimited times on Goron dance and not fail 189100DACF
Chest Modifier in Lynna City Chest Game 1991??79D5
Have all 4 slates for Level 8 - Ancient Tomb 0104C3C6
Force Game Restart 0102E0C2
Hero Cave Inf. Keys 010172C6
Level 1 Inf. Keys 010173C6
Level 2 Inf. Keys 010174C6
Level 3 Inf. Keys 010175C6
Level 4 Inf. Keys 010176C6
Level 5 Inf. Keys 010177C6
Level 6 Inf. Keys 010178C6
Level 7 Inf. Keys 010179C6
Level 8 Inf. Keys 01017AC6
Can't Load Up Sword 010206D2
Able to move like Superman 010200D0
Link Action Modifier 2001??31D0
Link Action Modifier 2 2101??04D0
Link turns into Baby Link 010201D0
All/Infinite Hearts 0140AAC6
Near-death heartbeat beep is always on 0141AAC6
Always Swimming Mode 01FF0FD0
Able to float and walk on air 01F00FD0
Mega Moon Jump 019014D0
Auto Jump 010604D0
Can't Jump 01E015D0
Windy Mode 22018140D5
Two-Faced Link 01241ED0
Transparent Link 01441ED0
Ice Skate Mode 017E20D0
Slow Ice Skate Mode 010100D0
000 death counts 01001EC6
Max death counts 01FF1EC6
Have and Enable Mermaid Suit 010CA3C6
Can make unlimited blocks using the Cane of Somaria 010100D7
Time Portals are now anywhere and more 23010140D4
Access the Advance Shop on a GameBoy Color 01EA14CF
Skip New Game FMV Sequence 0130D7C6
Have All Boss Keys 01FF82C6
Have All Compasses 01FF84C6
Have All Dungeon Maps 01FF86C6
Control Link In Startup Movie 9100C3CB
Control Link When Using Triforce 910005D0
Triforce 1 Vertical Mod 917A4BD2
Triforce 2 Vertical Mod 91704BD3
Triforce 3 Vertical Mod 917A4BD4
Triforce 1 Horizontal Mod 914A4DD2
Triforce 2 Horizontal Mod 91564DD4
Is Link Missing? (Boolean) 91??00D0
Link's Health Mod. 2491??01D0
Control Link When Starting New Game 910002D0
Link Walk Mode 2591??04D0
Sprite Health Mod. 2691??A9Dx
Create Your Own Landscape 279mxxyyD8
Bombs Always Lands On 2nd Boss 910688D0
Tokay Always Have Meat In Hand 2891017CD4
Keys 2991FFA2C6
All Rings 01FF16C6
Infinite Gasha Seeds 9199BEC6
Use Harp of Ages Anywhere 30010134CC
Able To Stea Anything In All Shops 31010142D5
Shop Keeper Will Tell You A Serect 010242D5
Shop Keeper AlwaysGone 01014BD5

Gameshark Cheat Codes Pokemon Ruby

1where YY=8A -99
00 - none
01 - Shield
02 - None
03 - Have Bombs (use with inf. bomb code)
04 - Cane of Somaria
05 - Sword
06 - Boomerang
07-09 - None
0A - Hook Shot
0B - None
0C - Giant Sword
0D - Bombchu
0E - Flute
0F - Seed Shooter
10 - None
11 - Harp of Ages
12-14 - None
15 - Shovel
16 - Power Bracelet 1
17 - Roc's Feather
18 - None
19 - Seed Satchel
20 - Ember Seeds
21 - Scent Seed
22 - Pegasus Seeds
23 - Gale Seeds
24 - Mystery Seeds
25 - Tune of Echoes
26 - Tune of Currents
27 - Tune of Ages
By using different slots you can populate the primary items screen and then save your game. You will then have these items forever.
2The rupees show up like yxx on the screen. This value works in hex, so if you want 10 rupees, enter 10, not 0A. Values above 9 screw it up.
301 - Wooden Shield
02 - Iron Shield
03 - Mirror Shield
401 - Wooden Sword
02 - Iron Sword
03 - Master Sword
500 - Strange Flute
01 - Ricky's Flute
02 - Dimitri's Flute
03 - Moosh's Flute
601 - Switch Hook
02 - Long Hook
701 - Song of Echoes
02 - Song of Currents
03 - Song of Ages
801 - Power Bracelet
02 - Power Glove
9Codes for single secondary screen items can be distilled from the Have All Seconday Items code.
10Turn off code to open treasure chests. Also code only works on emulators as Cheat Device is not powerful enough
1100 - Friendship Ring
01 - Power Ring L-1
02 - Power Ring L-2
03 - Power Ring L-3
04 - Armor Ring L-1
05 - Armor Ring L-2
06 - Armor Ring L-3
07 - Red Ring
08 - Blue Ring
09 - Green Ring
0A - Cursed Ring
0B - Expert's Ring
0C - Blast Ring
0D - Boomerang Ring L-1
0E - GBA Time Ring
0F - Maple's Ring
10 - Steadfast Ring
11 - Pegasus Ring
12 - Toss Ring
13 - Heart Ring L-1
14 - Heart Ring L-2
15 - Swimmer's Ring
16 - Charge ring
17 - Light Ring L-1
18 - Light Ring L-2
19 - Bomber's Ring
1A - Green Luck Ring
1B - Blue Luck ring
1C - Gold Luck Ring
1D - Red Luck Ring
1E - Green Holy Ring
1F - Blue Holy Ring
20 - Red Holy Ring
21 - Snowshoe Ring
22 - Roc's Ring
23 - Quicksand Ring
24 - Red Joy Ring
25 - Blue Joy Ring
26 - Gold joy Ring
27 - Green Hoy Ring
28 - Discovery Ring
29 - Rang Ring L-2
2A - Octo Ring
2B - Moblin Ring
2C - Like Like Ring
2D - Subrosian Ring
2E - First Gen Ring
2F - Spin Ring
30 - Bombproof Ring
31 - Energy Ring
32 - Dbl. Edge Ring
33 - GBA Nature Ring
34 - Slayer's Ring
35 - Rupee Ring
36 - Victory Ring
37 - Sign Ring
38 - 100th Ring
39 - Whisp Ring
3A - Gasha Ring
3B - Peace Ring
3C - Zora Ring
3D - Fist Ring
3E - Whimiscal Ring
3F - Protection Ring
FF - No Ring
12Works in all patch locations. You do not have to even plant a seed!
130D - Maku Road
24 - Level 1; Spirit Grave
46 - Level 2; Wing Dungeon
66 - Level 3; Moonlit Grotto
86 - Level 4; Skull Dungeon
91 - Level 5; Crown Dungeon
56 - Level 7; Jabu Jabu's Belly
AA - Level 8; Ancient Tomb
F6 - Black Tower
This code seems to work better at level 1, 2 or 3 dungeons.
01 - normal
03 - die
04 - spiral fall
05 - hopping
150 - nothing
1 - 10 rupees (In shooter contest this is Sirlion)
2 - 20 rupees
3 - 50 rupees
4 - 100 rupees
16Perfect 12 score in shooter contest. First win nets Goron Sirloin.
17This code works for the Lynna Village Shooting Gallery and the Goron Shooting Gallery. Use decimal values, i.e. 21=21, 99=99.
18You can keep on failing the dance and not lose. Essentially you keep going until you manage to do it right enough times.
1900 - Right Chest
01 - Left Chest
2000 - Do lots of strange things
01 - Looking in different directions
02 - Always looking south
03 - Always looking east
04 - Sleeping 05 - Sword hand move
06 - Both hands in air
07 - Sword in hand move 2
08 - Crying like a baby
09 - Bug Link
0A - Circle thing
0B - Having a dark shadow
0D - Crying like a baby 2
0E - In pain
0F - Sleeping
10 - Singing 2
11 - Singing 3
12 - Sleeping 3
13 - Sleeping upside-down
14 - Upside-down
17 - Yawning
18 - Sword stance toward the north
19 - Sword stance toward the west
1A - Sword stance toward the south
1B - Sword stance toward the east
1C - Strange ice skate mode
1D - Singing 3
1E - Singing 4
1F - Strange ice skate mode 2
20 - Turn into a blue fireball
21 - Turn into a blue fireball 2
23 - Sleeping 5
24 - Looking up at the sky
25 - Sleeping 6
26 - Surfing
27 - Sleep Walking
28 - Sleep Walking 2
29 - Sleep Walking 3
2B - Playing Something
2C - Playing Something 2
2D - Playing Something/Sleep Walking
30 - Always looking north
31 - Strange Chant/Jump Thing
32 - Smashed thin Link
33 - Turn into some kin dof sewer lid
34 - Playing the Harp of Ages
35 - Strange sleep walking
36 - Playing the Harp of Ages 2
39 - Strange Dance
3B - Strange Dance 2
3D - Cool Link rap artist move
3F - Strange Dance 3
41 - Strange Dance/Half Invisible
50 - Strange Dance 4
51 - Swimming
52 - Swimming 2
53 - Swimming 3
54 - Ice Skate Mode
70 - Always have shield in front of you
90 - Pushing
A0 - Always have Mirror Shield in front of you
C0 - Swimming 4
E0 - Pulling
F0 - Flying like Superman
While pressing and holding the A button you will see Link do other cool things and more with each digit.
2100 - Frozen in time
01 - Turn into a bunny (in certain places)
02 - Falling to death
03 - Automatically die
05 - Go to sleep and everything becomes night
06 - Auto Jump
07 - Spinning out of control
08 - Bright Ideal
09 - Always looking south
0B - Walking
0C - Hear a boss's battle cry
0F - Sliding/Hopping
11 - Getting smashed into a cube
12 - Link makes jackhammer noises
14 - Sleeping
22Always hear a wind-like sound.
23This code may be long, but in a way it is worth typing every line here.Now you don't need the Harp of Ages to go back and forth through time. This code also lets you go through hidden warps. You can also go into a house or a cave and warp through time in there too!
2400 - Instant Death
2500 - Skate
01 - Waddle
26?? is their health, 00 is instant kill and FF makes the game impossible. X is the sprite on screen (from 0 upwards). This code works against enemies, bosses and people. If you've got the wrong sprite, just change the y value until you get the one you want.
27Zelda OoA has 4 times the amount of detail that DX has, so you need to put on an awful amount of codes to create a whole landscape - too many even for the ARO or GBX. XX is the thing (eg. grass, bush etc). YY are the coordinates. M is the mod (3 is display I think). OoA coordinates are also different from DX. The top row goes fom 00 to 1B then starts the second row.
28This makes the game think that the Tokay actually have the meat in their hands. Leave the switch off and turn it quickly on then back off every time a new sprite enters the screen - as the Tokay disappear, new ones re-appear and take that address. Don't do it when a sprite is dissapearing off of the screen, as it will mess up the game.
29This will give you Mermaid key, old mermaid key, crown key, and library key.
30This allows you to use the Harp of Ages anywhere. Hint: go to the upstairs lower-left-hand corner of Ambi's Palace & play the tune of ages there.
31aka Police NYPD