Cheat Game Pc Half Life

  1. Half Life Cheats Pc Steam
  2. Cheats Cheats For Half-Life On PC
  3. Half Life Pc Cheat Codes
  4. Cheat Game Pc Half Life Games
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Half-Life PC Warning the Following is a walkthrough of Half-Life. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. If you do, you'll just ruin the game. And this is one heck of a game. Double click 'Half-Life 2: Episode One' to start the game. While playing the game, press to display the console window. Type ' svcheats 1 ' and press Enter to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Get the latest Half-Life 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Half-Life 2.

Avoid Losing Health In Sand Trap

This Half-Life: Alyx will show you how you can enter the cheats in the game. Other than a handful of cheats that you can add to manipulate some gameplay features, you are also required to enable the cheats console which has to be activated manually beforehand. To use cheat codes go to options/keyboard/advanced settings and click enable developer console, after that press the button with on it and type svcheats 1 in the search bar then proceed by typing in the cheat codes on the screen or below: god - enables invincibility buddha - allows you to lose health but you cannot die. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Half-Life 2: Black Box for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction. Half-Life 2 – Cheats PC. Android Linux Macintosh Xbox. If you use a key already in use for the game (W, A, S, D are for movement, 1-6 is used for weapons, G is.

When you start the Sands Trap map, you will findsome rocks. Someone will tell you not to step onthe sand because a creature will attack. Youwill have to jump on the rocks. When the rockends and only sand remains, use your gravitygun. Use it to place a door or wooden piece inthe sand and stand on it. Then, place anotherobject in front of it. Jump on it, remove thefirst object, and place it in front. Continue todo this until you reach rock again and thecreature will not appear.


When shooting zombies, always remember to aimfor the head (and therefore the head crab), sothat when the actual human is dead(er), youwon't have to deal with the crab hopping around,trying to attack you.

Make Half Life 2's Gravity The Same As Halo 2's

In order to do this interesting cheat, open up the console and type in sv_gravity 150. It will be just like halo 2. If it does'nt let you type in sv_cheats 1 first.

Spawn A Friendly Turret

To spawn a friendly turret open up the console and type in ent_fire npc_turret floor setrelationship 'player d_li 99 (sv_cheats 1 1st if necessary). You can maybe do this for all enemies too.

Npcs &weapons

To give npcs weapons just enable developer console thentype npc_create_equpment weapon_smg1 or any weaponthat you want then just spawn a human & they'll have the weapon. p . s . People like breen, eli, gman, kleiner (etc)won't have weapons when you spawn them weapons because they don't have any weaapons in the game.

Be Invisible

First typ ~ to get in the developers console andtype notarget and be invisible type it again tobe visible.

Half Life Cheats Pc Steam

Walk Through Walls

First press ~ to get in the developers consoleand type noclip to walk through walls, then togo back just type noclip again.

All Weapons/ammo

I would like to note that you do not have to wait'a few minutes' as posted below. Open up thedeveloper console (~) and type 'sv_cheats' 1 toenable cheats. Now type 'impulse 101' and youwill receive all weapons with max ammo.

God Mode

When you have typed in sv_cheats 1 and afteryou've waited a few minuets you type in god andit will give you god mode.

Allowing Cheats

When you get into the game you press the ~button. Then you type in sv_cheats 1. Then waita few minutes and then type in another code

We have no unlockables for Half-Life 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Half-Life 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Half-Life 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Half Life†.Read the full guide...

Created by: KeeperBvK.Read the full guide...

We have no achievements or trophies for Half-Life 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview
Commentary track

Successfully complete the game. Then, start a new game and choose a level to get an option to play it with an audio commentary track.

LifeCheat Codes

Open Steam, go to your 'Play Games' menu, and select Half-Life 2: Episode One. Right click on it and select 'Properties'. Click the 'Launch Options' button, then type '-console'. Click 'Ok', then close. Double click 'Half-Life 2: Episode One' to start the game. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type 'sv_cheats 1' and press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Also, any code can be used as a command line parameter by prefixing it with the '-' character. Note: For games that were downloaded from Steam, to use cheats in Single Player mode, start the game with the '-applaunch -dev -tconsole' command line parameter.

Result Cheat Code
Toggle God modegod
All weapons and extra ammunitionImpulse 101
Toggle no clipping modenoclip
Spawn indicated itemgive [item name]
Reduce your healthbuddha
Damage playerhurtme [amount]
Ignored by NPCsnotarget
List mapsmaps
Load indicated mapmap [map name]
Spawn indicated NPCnpc_create [name]
Set max ammo for .357 Magnum sk_max_357 [number]
Set max ammo for Pulse Rifle sk_max_ar2 [number]
Set max ammo for Pulse Rifle energy orbs sk_max_ar2_altfire [number]
Set max ammo for shotgun sk_max_buckshot [number]
Set max ammo for crossbow sk_max_crossbow [number]
Set max ammo for hand grenades sk_max_grenade [number]
Set max ammo for pistol sk_max_pistol [number]
Set max ammo for RPG sk_max_rpg_round [number]
Set max ammo for submachine gun sk_max_smg1 [number]
Set max ammo for SMG grenades sk_max_smg1_grenade [number]
Set damage value for pistol sk_plr_dmg_pistol [number]
Set damage value for .357 Magnum sk_plr_dmg_357 [number]
Set damage value for Pulse Rifle sk_plr_dmg_ar2 [number]
Set damage value for shotgun sk_plr_dmg_buckshot [number]
Set damage value for crossbow sk_plr_dmg_crossbow [number]
Set damage value for crowbar sk_plr_dmg_crowbar [number]
Set damage value for grenades sk_plr_dmg_grenade [number]
Set damage value for RPG rockets sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round [number]
Set damage value for submachine gun sk_plr_dmg_smg1 [number]
Set damage value for SMG grenades sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade [number]
Map names

Use one of the following values with the 'map [map name]' code:

    Introduction: ep1_citadel_00
    Beginning of Chapter 3: ep1_c17_00
    Beginning of Chapter 4: ep1_c17_01
    Chapter 4 City 17 after the first load point: ep1_c17_02
    Chapter 4 City 17 after the second load point: ep1_c17_02a
    Chapter 4 City 17 after the third load point: ep1_c17_02b
    City 17 after the first load point: ep1_c17_00a
    Citadel after the first load point: ep1_citadel_01
    Citadel after the second load point: ep1_citadel_02
    Citadel after the third load point: ep1_citadel_03
    Citadel before the lift ride: ep1_citadel_02b
    Near the end of the Citadel: ep1_citadel_04
    Last Chapter near the end: ep1_c17_06
    Last Chapter: ep1_c17_05
    Looking in the car garage (glitch): ep1_background01a
    Looking off into the damaged City 17 (glitch): ep1_background02
    Looking up at the citadel (glitch): ep1_background01
Half life 2 cheats 360NPC names

Cheats Cheats For Half-Life On PC

Use one of the following values with the 'npc_create [name]' code:

    Alyx: npc_alyx
    Antlion guard: npc_antlionguard
    Antlion: npc_antlion
    Barnacle: npc_barnacle
    Barney: npc_barney
    Breen: npc_breen
    Ceiling Turret: npc_turret_ceiling
    City 17 Citizen: npc_citizen
    Combine Scanner: npc_cscanner
    Combine Soldier: npc_combine_s
    Crow: npc_crow
    Dog: npc_dog
    Fast Zombie: npc_fastzombie
    Hunter (early version): npc_hunter
    Pigeon: npc_pigeon
    Seagull: npc_seagull
    Stalker: npc_stalker
    Strider: npc_strider
    Vortigaunt: npc_vortigaunt
    Zombie without legs: npc_zombie_torso
    Zombie: npc_zombie
    Zombine (Combine Zombie): npc_zombine
Item names

Half Life Pc Cheat Codes

Use one of the following values with the 'give [item name]' code:

Cheat Game Pc Half Life Games

    Black Hole grenade: weapon_hopwire