Cheat Game Gba Pokemon
I wasn’t too keen on playing Pokemon Prism for a variety of reasons. The most obvious of these would be the fact that the ROM hack is based off of the Pokemon Gold ROM. Now for those who’re unfamiliar with their Pokemon game history, Gold was one of the hallmark titles for the Gameboy Color.
Pokemon Glazed Cheats – GameShark Codes for Game Boy Advance Below are cheat codes that will work for Pokemon Glazed, If you notice, some of the codes are present in Pokemon Emerald cheats, this is true because Pokemon Glazed is a Pokemon Emerald-based ROM hack. Fixing Penthouse Key Glitch Use cheat code 82005274 015F to fix the glitch. In The Game like Pokemon Diamond. The road to becoming a Pokemon Diamond Master can be a long, tough journey. Luckily, you can cheat! All you need to utilize Action Replay codes for Pokemon Diamond on your DS emulator is to properly navigate the emulator's interface. Also, you must have an Emulator that comes equipped with an Action Replay ROM.
- Learn the code and how to activate the Pokemon Emerald rare candy cheat. Rare candy is one of the most favorite cheats for every Pokemon fan.
- Top 5 Best Pokemon Games for GBA - Pokemon Glazed (ROM Hack) Pokemon Glazed is the hack version of Pokemon Emerald and it is considered as the best Pokemon game for GBA. The main plot of the game is that you are a 10-year-old kid from Tunod (donut backward), and you have to stop the Pokemon world and real-world from colliding.
Although it was great for its time, the game featured a smaller number of Pokemon compared to succeeding games in the third generation (e.g. Fire Red and Leaf Green). Honestly, I was expecting for the worst the moment I booted up Pokemon Prism on GBA4iOS. Now imagine my surprise when I checked the time on my phone to find that I’ve been playing the game for 4 hours straight!
Should You Use Cheats?
The great thing about Pokemon Prism is the fact that you don’t really need to use cheats to enjoy it. Aside from losing track of time, I also forgot to input some of the cheat codes that I researched about in preparation for my playthrough of the game.
Not everyone might have the same experience as I did so I’ve also listed down a couple of the cheat codes for you, my dear readers. If you’re ready to play Pokemon Prism then I suggest you list the following cheats down on your phone or notebook (whichever you prefer).
Working Cheats
Remember that Pokemon Gold was released more than a decade ago and for the Gameboy Color at that. The Game Shark cheat codes that I’m going to list down might seem alien to you if you’ve been used to using the ones for the third generation of games. Worry not though because the method of enabling these doesn’t differ from that of the more recent titles.
Walk Through Walls (GameShark/Action Replay)
What’s a Pokemon game without this cheat? You’re probably sick and tired of seeing this type of cheat in my write-ups but then again, it is really handy. The only caveat of this cheat is that you can’t go inside doors when it’s enabled. For traversing long distances though, this can be quite handy.
Always On Bike
This cheat allows you to run/travel faster and can be a good alternative/companion cheat for Walk Through Walls.
Lots of Money
Using this cheat will give you around 66000 Poke Dollars to use as you see fit. Resetting the amount that you spent is a simple matter of disabling and then re-enabling the cheat on your GBA4iOS.
Infinite Master Balls in Slot 1
When it comes to catching Pokemon, nothing beats a Master Ball except an infinite number of Master Balls. This cheat will give you 99 Master Balls in the first slot of your Pack’s Poke Ball/Med pocket. You’ll have a formidable team of Pokemon in no time when you couple this cheat with the Pokemon encounter codes that I’ve listed below.
Pokemon Encounter Codes
For some reason, Koolboyman changed the names and sprites of some of the legendary Pokemon. Don’t worry though since the ones I chose are just as strong (if not stronger depending on how you raise their levels) as their Pokemon Gold/Silver versions.

As I made additional research about Pokemon Prism, I realized that it actually got voted by PokeCommunity as its ROM Hack of the Year back in 2007. Overall, Pokemon Prism has been an eye-opener for me in terms of its gameplay and playability.
Not all good Pokemon ROM hacks have to be based off of Fire Red/Leaf Green or Ruby/Sapphire. I also had the impression that Koolboyman did a great job at polishing Pokemon Prism. In fact, I didn’t encounter many issues while playing (other than with Walk through Walls not working at times) even though the version I played was still in Beta.
If you’d like to add your own Pokemon Prism (hack) cheat codes for GBA4iOS, then make sure to share/write them down in the comments section below!
To get to the Battle Frontier, you must defeat the Elite Four with Pokemon only with your I.D. number. After you defeat them, you will get a ticket from your father to get to the Battle Frontier. The Battle Frontier is another region with fourteen more badges to collect. Additionally, there are seven gyms in the Battle Frontier. The seven gyms are the Battle Tube, Battle Dome, Battle Factory, Battle Arena, Battle Palace, Battle Pyramid, and Battle Tower. Each gym has two badges to collect.
Get to SooptopolisTo get into this city you must dive underwater. Look for this city on your Pokenav. When you get close to Sooptopolis, dive.
Get to Southern IslandSouthern Island is where you get the opposite bird. If you chose Latios, you will find Latias here and vice versa. You need the Eon Ticket to have access to this island.
Johto startersWhen you complete the full 202 Pokemon of Hoenn, Professor Birch will call you on your Pokenav and say that he wants to give you a surprise. You can now choose one of the three Johto starters (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile).
Original startersWin the Battle Frontier completely (Gold and Silver) and talk to Birch. He will give you one of your choice.
Mystery Gift optionEnter any Pokemon Mart and go to the clipboard that is by the shop keeper on the counter. Take the survey and enter in the words 'LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL'. The man will then alert you that you can now have access to the Mystery Gift option, after saving. To make it easier to find the word you are looking for, press Select, which will take you to A-Z mode, then select the a letter to bring up a list of words, beginning with the first letter of the word that it begins with.
BeldumBecause Wallace is the champion, you must fight Steven. Steven is inside Meteor Falls. When you enter, go up the waterfall and into the door. Next, go down the ladder, then go to the ladder in the south. Then, go inside the nearby door. Steven should be to the right. Note: If you are going to battle him, you can defeat him with Water, Ice (for Cradily), and Fire types for most of his Pokemon. He has Pokemon over level 70. After you defeat him, go to his house in Mossdeep to get the Beldum.
CastformDefeat the rival team at the Weather Institute.
DeoxysLike previous games, Deoxys has its own form in this game. It is the Speed form. It can only be found on Birth Island. The Aurora Ticket is required.
DittoYou can catch Ditto, but only after you defeat the Elite Four. Go to the Desert Underpass. It is only in the middle.
GroudonGo back to the weather institute. Talk to the man again. He will tell you where Groudon is found. You might need HM03 Surf. Go to the route where he is and go inside. You will find Groudon in the Terra cave.
Ho-oh and LugiaGet the Mystic Ticket, then go to Navel Island.
JirachiTo get Jirachi, you need a GameCube and the pre-order version of Pokemon Colosseum. Then, trade it to Pokemon Emerald.
KyogreDefeat the Elite Four, then go back to the weather institute. This is where you got Castform. Go upstairs to a researcher who studies patters of weather. He will tell you where Kyogre is found. You need HM03 Surf and HM07 Dive. Surf on the route you are supposed to until you find a location to dive. Once you get to Kyogre in the Marine cave, get in front of him. Use Net Balls on him.
Latios or LatiasAfter defeating the Elite Four, watch the television downstairs in your house. Mix your records with a Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire with the Eon Ticket. Then, go to Southern Island.
MeowithGo in the building to the left of the Battle Tower. Give the woman a Skitty and she will give you a Meowith with Retro Mail. The higher the level of your Skitty, the better the Meowith, which means you can get Persian faster.
MewThe only way to get Mew in the game is by getting the Old Sea Chart. This is an item that is only available through a special event outside the game.
RayquazaGo to Sky Pillar. When Groudon and Kyogre are fighting, he wakes up and stops the fight. Once you have done that, go back to Sky Pillar to find Rayquaza. You can get to Sky Pillar by going to Pacifidlog Town. Go right until you see a crack in the sea. Go into it. Note: Use a Master Ball on it.
RegiceThe cave of Regice is northwest of Dewford island. There is Braille in the back of the cave of Regice. The statement reads 'Stay close to the wall. Run around the lap.' You must run around the room once while staying close to the wall. Once you reach the middle of the Braille again, the door will open and the battle with the icy titan will begin when you go through the door and press A next to it.
RegirockTo find the cave of the rock titan Regirock, you must have the Go-Goggles so that you may enter the desert. Once in the desert, go south to the bottom and enter the cave. In the back you will see the Braille in the back. Go to the back of the room and read it. The message translated reads 'Left, Left, Down, Down. Then use Rock Smash.' From the middle of the Braille on the wall move left, left, down, and down. Go with a Pokemon that knows Rock Smash and use it. The cave door will open. Save the game, then start the battle with Regirock. Note: Bring a lot of Ultra Balls.
RegisteelTo find the cave of Registeel, go to Lilycove City. Go west through the grass and trainers. When you reach the area of the Safari Zone, keep moving. You will reach a place with a girl. Just above her are stairs. You must go up. Go through the very tall grass and go up the stairs behind it. The cave will not be too far after the stairs. Once inside, read the Braille at the back of the room. It reads 'Those who inherit our will, shine in the middle.' The riddle means that you should go to the middle of the room and use Flash. The cave door will open. Be careful with Registeel. This Pokemon is more difficult than the others to capture. Try bringing a lot of Ultra Balls or prolong the battle as long as you can by freezing it or putting it to sleep. After many turns the Timer Ball will have gained a lot of strength, and it might work against the Registeel.
SmargleOnce you have defeated the Elite Four with all Pokemon with your ID code, you can go to the Battle Frontier. Once here, go to the southeastern-most side of the area. There should be a tree that looks odd. Use the Wailmer Pail to water it. Soodoo Woodoo should attack. Catch it, run, or kill it. Then, use Surf on the water where Soodoo Woodoo was located. Go down the waterfall and go to the left. There should be a cave. In the cave is a Smargle. It knows one attack, Sketch. Sketch allows it to copy the last move that someone uses against it. Once you have obtained one move for Smargle, go to the move tutor and teach him Sketch again. Then, go to a double battle and use Smargle and the Pokemon that has the move you want him to learn. He can learn anything mine knows Strength, Hyper Beam, Outrage, and Thunder. repeat the step with the move tutor and he can learn any move.
SudowoodoDefeat the Elite Four, then go into your house. Talk to your dad and he will give you the S.S Ticket. Go to the boat in Saltport City and select the battle port choice. Next, go to the waterfall. There is a tree. Use Water Pail on it. Note: To get Water Pail, go to Rushmore City, go straight down, and there is a little berry store. Go in it and talk to one of the people. They will give you Water Pail.
Missing PokemonThe following Pokemon are not found in the game: Surskit, Masquerain, Meditite, Medicham, Zangoose, Lunatone, and Roselia.
Artisian Cave and SmeargleAfter catching Sudowoodo, surf down the waterfall and go left. Look for the cave entrance. This is the secret location of Smeargle.
Belue BerryGo to the Berry Master's House and talk to his wife. Tell her 'SUPER HUSTLE'.
Claw and Root FossilGo into the desert. Go to the Mirage Tower when it appears. Note: You will need the Mach Bike for this because it like Sky Pillar. If you choose any of them, they will get buried. To get the opposite, one go to Route 14 (by Fallabor Town). Go to the Fossil Maniac and go to the cave that he said has collapsed. Then, go in at the end. Note: You can get Ditto there. The Claw or Root Fossil will be there. Additionally, go to the desert between Falabor and Lavaridge Town. Find Mirrage Tower and enter it with the Mach Bike. Go up and get past the cracks with the Mach Bike. At the top, you will find two fossils. Do not bother thinking about which one to choose, because you will eventually also get the other one. Once you take a fossil, go to Fallabor Town. Go left to find the Fossil Maniac's house. Go to the back, and head towards the cave. Once in the cave, go up two steps, get on your bike, then move straight to the right. You will eventually reach the other fossil. You can also find Ditto, Wishmur, and Loudred in that cave. Note: Get your fossils regenerated by a scientist on the second floor of Devon Corp.
Durin BerryGo to the Berry Master's House and talk to his wife. Tell her 'COOL LATIOS'.
Gold ShieldWin 100 battles in the Battle Frontier. Then, talk to Scott at his house in the Battle Frontier.
Lansat BerryCollect all Silver Frontier Symbols in the Battle Frontier. Then, talk to Scott at his house in the Battle Frontier.
Magma SymbolTo get the Magma Symbol (which is required to get to the Team Magma Base), you must go to Mt. Pyre after you defeat Team Aqua in the cove next to Lilycove City.
Master BallGo to Lilycove City. Then, surf to Team Aqua's base. Keep walking around and you will see a room with four items. Try all the teleporters until you get to that room. The item on the top left is a Master Ball.
National DexImmediately after you defeat the Elite Four, you will go to Professor Birch. He will give the National Dex to you.
Pamtre BerryGo to the Berry Master's House and talk to his wife. Tell her 'CHALLENGE CONTEST'.
Pokemon DiplomaCatch all 202 Pokemon in the Pokedex, then talk to the Game Designer at the hotel in Lilycove City.
Pokemon VirusTo get the Pokemon Virus, go to Route 117 and battle until you think you have it . Then, go to Vandaserf's Pokemon Center and heal. If one of your Pokemon have it, after you heal a new message should appear. If you happen to get this rare disease it should make your Pokemon grow better. This virus is very contagious and can spread quickly. Note: This virus does not hurt your Pokemon. It should last about two days. After it has worn off, it will leave a small dot beside the Pokeball that you caught it with.
Silver ShieldWin 50 battles in the Battle Frontier. Then, talk to Scott at his house in the Battle Frontier.
Spelon BerryGo to the Berry Master's House and talk to his wife. Tell her 'GREAT BATTLE'.
Starf BerryCollect all Gold Frontier Symbols in the Battle Frontier. Then, talk to Scott at his house in the Battle Frontier.
Watmel BerryGo to the Berry Master's House and talk to his wife. Tell her 'OVERWHELMING LATIAS'.
Berry FixAt the screen with the glowing Rayquaza, press Down + Select + B. You can now use the Berry Fix with Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire.
Land CaveLand Cave is a cave found by the shore after defeating the Elite Four. The legendary Groundon thrives in the Land Cave. It is on Routes 105, 125, 127, or 129. You must go to the Weather Center. He will tell you where Groundon is located. However if you take too long finding it, it will move on.
Sea CaveSea Cave is a cave found underwater after defeating the Elite four. The legendary Kyogre thrives in the Sea Cave. It is on Routes 105, 125, 127, or 129. You must go to the Weather Center. He will tell you where Kyogre is located. However, if you take too long finding it, it will move on.
Opening the Regis cavesYou must first get Waillord and Relicanth. Then, go to Pacifidlog City. Go left into the currents. You will see a square in the water. Dive down then go into the cave. Get to the end of the cave. You will see Braille on the wall. While in front of the Braille, dive up. You will be in a cave. Go to the end of the wall and use Dig to enter the next room. You must have Waillord first in your party and Relicanth last. Then, read the Braille. The ground will shake and the caves will now be open. One is in the desert and the other is in the water in near Deleford Town.

The Safari Zone is the same as the one in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. The only difference is that after you defeat the Elite Four, two more areas appear full of Johto Pokemon that you could not get in any other games (besides Pokemon Colosseum).
Team Magma's hideoutCheat Game Gba Pokemon Rom
To get to Team Magma's hideout, you must first get the Magma Emblem. Then, go to Mt. Pyre. Go through jagged pass until the screen shakes, and an opening will appear. This is where Team Magma's hideout is located. Note: Do not go to Team Aqua's hideout first.
Water InstituteThe Water Institute is where you received Castform from that building.
Blue or Red Tent for secret baseGo to Route 110. Go to the Trick Master's house and complete every challenge. This requires Cut and Strength HM. After that, he will say he that needs to travel. He will give you a Red Tent or Blue Tent.
Stronger Rollout moveWhen you have a Pokemon with Rollout, using the move Defense Curl before using Rollout will boost the attack of Rollout by X1. For example, Marill will learn Defense Curl at level 3, then will learn Rollout at level 15.
Gender changeDuring a Multi Battle at Battle Tower, pay attention to your ally's Pokemon. Occasionally, your partner's Pokemon will change genders between battles.
Cheat Game Gba Pokemon Randomizer
Easy experienceAttach EXP Share. Put the Pokemon you want to gain experience in front of party, then fight someone. When the battle starts, switch it out for a better Pokemon. Additionally, at the start of the game, train your starter in the grasses from Littleroot Town to where you fight your rival for your first time.
Fight the Elite Four three times a day. Fight all of the trainers that have a Poke thing next to their name. Fight all of the gym leaders again.
Defeating the Pike QueenThe Battle Pike is at the Siviper by the Pokemon Center on the left. When you defeat it at open level or level 50, the lady who tells you directions will say that a horrible fate is about to befall you. When you go into a room. she might heal one or two of your Pokemon. You will then battle the Pike Queen. Note: She will have Siviper, Shuckle and Milotic. Try using a Psychic Pokemon such as Alakazam, with Psychic and Thunderpunch. Additionally, get a Houndoom at level 50 give it the moves Flamethrower, Taunt, Double-Edge, and Faint attack. Then, get a Ampharos with Thunderbolt, Strength, Mega Punch, and Dynamic Punch. Get a Quassire with Surf, Earthquake, Ice Beam, and Slam. All the first forms of the three Pokemon are found in the Safari Zone after the Pokemon League. First, use Houndoom's Flamethrower two times on Seviper. Be wary of Seviper's move Swagger. Then, switch Houndoom with Ampharos, because the next pokemon is Milotic (a Water type). Use Thunderbolt until it faints. Her last Pokemon is Shuckle. The Pokemon has no attack moves. It has Rest and Toxic. Bring out Houndoom and first use Taunt and Flamethrower. Use Taunt after Flamethrower, then repeat that in a pattern until it faints. If you use Taunt, Shuckle uses Struggle. You will then probably get the Luck Symbol.
Defeating the Elite FourTake a normal level Pokemon with a one hit K.O. move and a lock on move. Also have a large number of Ethers and Max Potions. Just lock on and attack for and easy K.O.